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Your FREE Health Discovery Consultation Session!

During this FREE 45-minute session I will devote my time to exploring what’s been going on with you, where your biggest healing opportunities are and what you should do next to take back control of your health! (Note: existing clients do not qualify for free discovery sessions).


Tell me a little about you and what I can help with.  Fill out the form below and you’ll be sent a link to schedule your appointment.

Thanks for submitting!

Prepping For Your Ideal Health & Weight Discovery Session!

As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) Practitioner, I teach clients a model of self-care to relieve a variety of health complaints and improve overall well-being. Using a functional and holistic approach I help to identify healing opportunities that are creating dysfunction or imbalance in the body.  Then we (you and I) work to restore balance in the body using tools too improve diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and natural supplementation to promote the healing process.


I don’t diagnose or treat any specific conditions or focus on symptoms.  I help you to identify the underlying causes of stress on the body and teach you a model of self-care to stay healthy for the rest of your life.  All recommendations are voluntary in application.

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